среда, 13. новембар 2019.

Miško Piško - pesmica za decu

Evo jednog dečaka Miška
Koji u gaće kaki i piška.

Legne da spava u pola devet,
noću ukaki ceo krevet.

I zato su ga umesto Miško,
Obično zvali Miško Piško.

Kada u kuću gosti dodjite,
Bez neke gužve oni ne prodju.

Pohvale Miška "Slatko si dete"
A on ukaki ruke i pete.

Često je kažu i to bilo,
Da Miško tetki piška u krilo.

"Dokle ćeš tako"
Tata se ljuti,
A Miško samo
Piška i ćuti.

Nude mu noću,
"Evo je, tu je",
Miško za nošu 
Neće da čuje.

Kaži što nećeš Dragi sine
Da li nešto možda brine?

Da li te mazimo dovoljno dugo,
Ili ti fali nešto drugo?!?

Sastav iz Engleskog "Eyes can tell more than words"

Eyes can tell more than words

All we came on this world in the pattern of pure love...It*s all changed by that very moment,

moment of our birth. Cauze, starting that moment we*re begining to grow up into

seirous man or woman full of angry and evil, who will bring up their own children

at the same way.What is wrong about it?How can we make it right?Where is the answer?

It*s time to look deep in ourselfs,to think about facts and answer those questions.

Through the time love have lost a real meaning of word.

Many people are blindly walking in the streets, not noticeing a hungry children.

How can they be so selfish?

They*re making wars becouse they are full of neurose and bad mood, they are overloaded

with thigs that some children need for hardly staying in life. Those children

dont need mersy,a coin or two, they need elementary stuffs, a family..they deserves a better life.

People can do someting useful Instead loading nickels..., they can make a change,,

It*s time to everybody finaly realize.

They only have to look them deepp in the eyes and read their thoughts, desires,wishes

..and make that change by starting with himself.

I*m asking you to make the same change,, but if you don*t like what I*m saying, just