среда, 13. новембар 2019.

Miško Piško - pesmica za decu

Evo jednog dečaka Miška
Koji u gaće kaki i piška.

Legne da spava u pola devet,
noću ukaki ceo krevet.

I zato su ga umesto Miško,
Obično zvali Miško Piško.

Kada u kuću gosti dodjite,
Bez neke gužve oni ne prodju.

Pohvale Miška "Slatko si dete"
A on ukaki ruke i pete.

Često je kažu i to bilo,
Da Miško tetki piška u krilo.

"Dokle ćeš tako"
Tata se ljuti,
A Miško samo
Piška i ćuti.

Nude mu noću,
"Evo je, tu je",
Miško za nošu 
Neće da čuje.

Kaži što nećeš Dragi sine
Da li nešto možda brine?

Da li te mazimo dovoljno dugo,
Ili ti fali nešto drugo?!?

Sastav iz Engleskog "Eyes can tell more than words"

Eyes can tell more than words

All we came on this world in the pattern of pure love...It*s all changed by that very moment,

moment of our birth. Cauze, starting that moment we*re begining to grow up into

seirous man or woman full of angry and evil, who will bring up their own children

at the same way.What is wrong about it?How can we make it right?Where is the answer?

It*s time to look deep in ourselfs,to think about facts and answer those questions.

Through the time love have lost a real meaning of word.

Many people are blindly walking in the streets, not noticeing a hungry children.

How can they be so selfish?

They*re making wars becouse they are full of neurose and bad mood, they are overloaded

with thigs that some children need for hardly staying in life. Those children

dont need mersy,a coin or two, they need elementary stuffs, a family..they deserves a better life.

People can do someting useful Instead loading nickels..., they can make a change,,

It*s time to everybody finaly realize.

They only have to look them deepp in the eyes and read their thoughts, desires,wishes

..and make that change by starting with himself.

I*m asking you to make the same change,, but if you don*t like what I*m saying, just

Sastav iz Engleskog o ljubavi " Love "


Love is a special thing. People all around the world can love.

If you cant love then there is just hate. It couldn’t be fair for people to love.

If you are not attractive there is still some one that can love you. Love is a from of liking

someone but higher. It is when someone really likes a person and become lovers.

This can be single love or two way love.

When two people are in love, is that which is declared by both sides, either openly

or in private, but directly to each other, as in Romeo and Juliet. This theme is often

referred to as True Love. Now some people say that True Love should include Faded Love

or love that has died. I say this is not so. The real True Love may not be lost, can never fade,

and never dies, no matter what the situation.

What I'M going to do, you can't be any part of. It causes everlasting agony in the heart

and soul of one who suffers it. The sadness of this condition is unspeakable. To me, the most

famous example is in the movie "Casablanca", when Elsa promises to meet Rick at the station

to catch the last train from Paris before the German Army arrives She never comes, and Rick is

left "with his guts torn out", as he later tells Elsa in Casablanca. Since it may never be written

across the sky, or painted for all to see on a signboard, it is concentrated inside the one who loves.

But that same reason makes it the most excruciatingly painful of loves to endure.

I would further divide Unrequited Love into two categories: Declared and Undeclared.

'Declared' meaning love which is stated directly and 'Undeclared' being that Love which is never spoken aloud.

Forbidden Love is never spoken aloud, never openly admitted to, only referred to obliquely

in the most imaginary and hypothetical terms. But wait! The reflection of that joy increases

the pain which increases the joy which increases the pain. The classic case of Declared Unrequited

Love is when a man tells a woman that he loves her, but she scorns him, spurns him, ridicules him,

or turns him away. The only way to ease the suffering of one who cannot declare his love is for him

to think on the joy of that love. ) True Love provided him a reason to return to life. It is sweeter than other kinds of love for that very reason. Since it may not be declared, there is never any possibility  of it being returned.

Sastav iz Engleskog " Free time "

Free time

Every day I have some free time. Usually I spend it to go out with my friends, listening music,

help my mum (but same time that not free time), play computer, dens and sing or play with my animals.

-When I go out with my friends we always play same games. That’s games are volleyball, basketball,

crazy teacher and hide and seek. I like to talk with my friend’s about everything. They help me when I

have some problems, and I help them of course.

When I listening music I listen everything.Music relaxes me and when I listening music I don’t think

about problems.

When I help my mum I wash dishes, aspirate or food my cats, dogs and fish. My mum always thanks me

because I help her and she always give me more free time when I do my job good.

When I play computer I usually go to the internet and look pictures, videos or read a jokes.

But more time I go to Facebook and chat with my family from other countries, with my friends

or with stars. On Facebook some peoples make profiles of stars but they are not that. Here I

look pictures of other peoples and comment pictures. Some peoples look my pictures and comment it.

I like dens. I dens every day. When I hear my favorite songs I dens and imitate singer of that song.

But singing is my hobby. I sing and hen a study (I know that’s not good but I must sing just a minute).

I like sing when I dens and under shower.

I have cat Name of my cat are Masa. I love Masa because she is sweet and little .When I have free time

I like to go out and play with cats and dogs. My dog name is Bek and he has six months.I go walk with

Spark every day.That’s all what I can say you about my free time. What are you doing hen you have free time?

You can tell me and share that with me because I tell you what I doing at free time.

Antoni de Melo - Život i citati

Antoni de Melo rodjen je 1931. godine u Bombaju (Indija). Prvobitno teolog i psihoterapeut, na kraju je postao duhovni ucitelj. Umro je 1987.godine u Njujorku. Celog zivota se trudio da otvori oci ljudima, kako bi postali svesni sebe i vrednosti postojanja. Ova knjiga je stenogram poslednjih njegovih predavanja, posvecenih istini, ljubavi i duhovnom prosvetljenju. Pred nama je njegova zivotna filozofija, putokaz ka budjenju duha i novom zivotu "da bismo najzad videli jasno, pogledom koji nije zamagljen strahom i zeljom, i da hrabro zivimo sada i ovde, prozivljavajuci svaki novi trenutak svezinom deteta". 

"Nesvestan zivot nije vredan da bude prozivljen. Kada odbacite svoje iluzije i postanete svesni sebe i sveta oko vas, otkricete svu lepotu zivota na Zemlji. 

Ljudi ne zive. Vecina nas ne zivi, samo odrzava zivot u svome telu. To nije zivot. Vi ne zivite, sve dok vam ne postane potpuno nevazno da li cete ziveti ili umreti. Na toj tacki pocinjete da zivite. Kada ste spremni da izgubite svoj zivot, tek tada ga zivite. Medjutim, ako neprestano stitite svoj zivot, vi ste mrtvi... Da li ste spremni da sve stavite na kocku? 

Najvaznija je spremnost da naucimo nesto novo. Mogucnost budjenja je u direktnoj proporciji sa kolicinom istine koju smo spremni da hrabro prihvatimo. Trenutak u kome se budimo, kad nas obasja svetlost, najlepse je iskustvo na svetu! 

Nemojte traziti od sveta da se promeni, promenite se prvo vi. Tek tada cete biti u stanju da sagledate svet onakav kakav je, tada cete promeniti sta god vam se cini da bi trebalo promeniti. Uklonite povez sa ociju. Ukoliko to ne ucinite, izgubili ste pravo da promenite bilo sta... 

Ako ne budemo varali sebe, necemo varati ni druge. Tada cemo ih voleti. U suprotnom, zivecemo citav zivot u zabludi o drugima, s nasim iluzijama, neprekidno u sukobu sa stvarnoscu... 

Kada zivimo nezavisno od bilo cega, ocuvana je sva nasa sposobnost i energija, i covek je opusten, jer mu nije vazno da li dobija ili gubi... 

Moze li se reci da me volite, ako se zakacite za mene i ne dozvolite mi da odem? Ako me ne ostavljate na miru? Moze li se reci da me volite ako osecate takvu potrebu za mnom, psiholosku ili emotivnu, da biste bili srecni? 

Kad se oslobodimo svih iluzija, najzad stupamo u dodir sa stvarnoscu i nikad vise nismo sami. Usamljenost se ne leci druzenjem sa drugim ljudima, ona se leci kontaktom sa stvarnoscu... 

Mi obicno pokusavamo da izlecimo svoju usamljenost emotivnom zavisnoscu od drugih osoba, kroz druzenje i buku... Vratite se pravim stvarima, izvucite se iz guzve i vratite se prirodi - stupite u dodir sa drvecem, travom, kamenjem, zivotinjama i pticama, sa morem i oblacima, sa nebom i zvezdama..."

Mesečni jelovnik za bebe od 10 do 12 meseci

Za ovaj jelovnik želimo da vam skrenemo pažnju na sledeće sitnice:
* Kada pripremate domaći puding u njega stavljajte žuti šećer koji ne goji decu kao beli 
šećer, možete staviti vanilu, čokoladu za kuvanje i gustin. Takođe u puding uvek možete umutiti 
i komadiće svežeg voća. 
* U ostalu hranu možete stavljati soli samo tek između prsta. 
* Kada spremate ručak za bebu možete koristiti po jednu kafenu kašiku maslinovog ulja ili 
* Od začinskog bilja mirođija, prešun i malo nane. 
* Da biste neki određen recept zgusnuli po ukusu koristite umesto belog brašna, pirinčano 
* Sokove dajte jednom dnevno, ali ne kao užina i trudite se da budu od sveže ceđenog voća.
 Pašteta u jelovniku je domaće napravljena, a nikako kupljena. Skuvajte belo pileće ili 
ćureće meso i izmiksajte ga sa pavlakom ili maslacem, peršunovim listom, prazilukom ili lukom. 
Ovu kombinaciju možete napraviti i sa kuvanom džigericom. Pazite na količinu, ovakve paštete 
ne mogu dugo da stoje u frižideru!
 Jelovnik možete odštampati i držati ga pri ruci da svaki put kada se pitate šta da spremite 
bebi imate kvalitetne i stručne predloge. 